
... CEuniX in the scope of the EU-Call Horizon 2020-DS-2016-2017


The development of CEuniX is planned as a cooperation of three core parties from different countries:

  • Germany:DieDefa GmbH

    Project Management | Classical and Post-Quantum Crypto Expertise | Marketing

    Information Security is an essential underlying component in the way DieDefa's projects are managed. Their clients include leading European automotive firms as well as financial institutions.

  • Spain:Universidad de León

    C Coding Validation | Cryptography Validation

    With a strong cyber-security department, the University of León has experience in working in close collaboration with the automotive industry. Publications available on:

  • Switzerland: itk AVtobvS Sàrl

    Project Coordination | IT-Management | C Coding | Hardware Expertise | OS Development

    itk AVtobvS Sàrl is a newly created company active in the field of ICT security, with two domains of specialization, data protection consulting & cyber-physical security research and development.

Each party brings specializations in various aspects of IT Security Expertise.


We are open for parties that are interested in investing in our project. Don't hesitate to contact us if you are interested in more information.

"Life is a gift. Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in."